We recommend the following setup for an ackie:
7x3x3 enclosure at a minimum.
These layouts and product recommendations are just a baseline and general guide. Reptile keeping is an art and requires experimenting along with close monitoring to find out what bulb wattage and configuration will work best in your application. We always recommend manually checking with an infrared temp gun and a high quality thermostat to monitor and regulate temps.
When customizing the enclosure I recommend the following:
- 2 Arcadia Pro Ceramic Lamp Holders & Brackets
- You’ll want to place both on the left or right
- No Side Vents
We recommend the following bulbs:
- Arcadia Halogen Basking Bulb on the basking side - I have a 100 watt bulb in mine.
- Arcadia Deep Heat Projector on the basking side - I have an 80 watt in mine.
- 22” Arcadia 12% UVB bulb on the basking side (Another great UVB option would be the 22" Arcadia 14% UVB bulb)
- 24” T5 fixture that holds the above bulb
- 34" Arcadia JungleDawn LED Bar on the basking side - this gives full spectrum lighting to both the ackie and the plants in my bioactive setup
You'll always want to use a high quality thermostat to monitor and regulate your temperatures. We recommend Herpstat.