When setting up your ball python enclosure there are a few different options for heating; heat projector bulbs, radiant heat panels, and belly heat. Depending on how you would like to heat your enclosure you'll want to select different options when customizing your PVC ball python cage.
These layouts and product recommendations are just a baseline and general guide. Reptile keeping is an art and requires experimenting along with close monitoring to find out what bulb wattage and configuration will work best in your application. We always recommend manually checking with an infrared temp gun and a high quality thermostat to monitor and regulate temps.
While belly heat is common in the reptile industry it’s not very practical as in nature heat comes from above and warms the animal and basking surface. While there is some heat that comes from below in the form of IR-C. Most natural heat comes from the sun in the form of IR-A & IR-B. Then the sun warms the environment and releases heat via convection in the form of IR-C. So personally I don't use belly heat for my animals but it's really personal preference as to how you would like to heat yours.

Minimum Enclosure Size: 4x2x2
Recommended Enclosure Customizations
- No Side Vents
- One 9" square screen on the side of your choice
- No Belly Heat
Recommended Accessories
A dome style lamp to go on top of the screen cutout
- Arcadia Reptile Deep Heat Projector - 80 watt
- 22" Arcadia 6% UVB bulb on the same side as the heat source
- 24" T5 fixture to hold the above bulb
- 22" Arcadia JungleDawn LED Bar on the same side as heat source
- 2 - Arcadia Reptile Lamp Guard Pro to go over the T5 fixture and JungleDawn LED Bar
- Herpstat to monitor & regulate the temps
Learn About Adding Heating & Lights To Your Enclosure >>HERE<<

Recommend Enclosure: 4x2x2
Recommended Enclosure Customizations
- None
Recommended Accessories
- 22” 6% T5 Arcadia Reptile UVB bulb
- 24” T5 fixture - This holds the above bulb
- 22” Arcadia JungleDawn LED Bar - this provides full spectrum lighting to both the animal and plants if you go bioactive.
- Herpstat to monitor & regulate the temps.
I also use lamp guards over all of my bulbs; Arcadia Reptile Lamp Guard Pro for over the T5 fixture
- one for over the JungleDawn LED bar
Radiant heat panel as the day & night heat

Recommend Enclosure: 4x2x2
Recommended Enclosure Customizations
- No Side Vents
- No Lighting
- Belly Heat Recess on the side of your choice
Recommended Accessories
Heat Pad
- 22” 6% T5 Arcadia Reptile UVB bulb
- 24” T5 fixture - This holds the above bulb
- 22” Arcadia JungleDawn LED Bar - this provides full spectrum lighting to both the animal and plants if you go bioactive
- Herpstat to monitor & regulate the temps
- I also use lamp guards over all of my bulbs; Arcadia Reptile Lamp Guard Pro for over the T5 fixture and one for over the JungleDawn LED bar